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Feature Index
Design, Develop, Host, Collaborate, and Grow. Everything you need to build a responsive and custom app without code.
Design, Develop, Host, Collaborate, and Grow.Everything you need to build a responsive and custom app without code.
Auto Layout
Utilize our flexbox-inspired layout system, allowing you to combine horizontal and vertical layouts to create intricate interfaces.
Motion & Effects
Momen allows dynamic effects on components with triggering options like hover, click, scroll into view, and while scrolling. You can customize the effect once the trigger is chosen.
Use templates to jumpstart your app-building process. You can always make changes, add on, and delete elements to fit your building requirements.
Momen's component library includes atomic components like Text, Image, Button, etc. These can be combined to create complex interfaces that meet your needs.
Drag and Drop
Simply drag the component from the component library and drop it onto the page to start building up your product.
Momen Editor
Momen offers an integrated environment for front-end and back-end development, managed hosting, and automated release cycles.
API Integration
Bring in third-party APIs like Airtable and Zapier for cross-project reuse, and enjoy seamless payment processing with our built-in Stripe integration for subscription.
Action Map View
Visualize and navigate complex project logic and actions with a hierarchical map view, enhancing development efficiency with a clearer project structure.
Action Flows
Save time by automating pre-configured actions and recurring workflows on the back-end when triggered.
Real-time Logging
You can perform user lifecycle management by keeping track of what parts of your app are most used, particular visitors' behaviors, and the accurate amount of traffic flow.
Access Control
Combine the best of both RBAC and ABAC, allowing fine-grained access control down to the row and column level.
Data Management
Momen offers customizable data models, allowing you to import/export data with unlimited rows or use your own API-connected database.
Mirror (Live Preview)
Momen's Mirror feature provides instant feedback as you edit your project. Changes made to your page appear instantly — no need to wait for deployment or page refresh.
Momen AI
Beyond LLM integration, Momen AI conducts pre-processing, including data vectorization and custom action flow, to refine your personalized model and build your custom AI apps.
Custom Domains
You make it, you name it. White-label your web apps with a custom domain name.
Momen ensures lightning-fast content delivery and response times, even with vast amounts of data in your database, ensuring a seamless user experience.
Powered by AWS
Momen is powered by Amazon web services, which provides a robust infrastructure upholding millions of sites globally.
Scale with Ease
Momen is ready for your app's big traffic spike as your user base grows. We request more server resources to ensure a smooth transition from a demo app to a world-class one.
Fully Managed Hosting
When you host with Momen, designs and content changes are just one click away. Momen frees you from the mess of server maintenance, and deployment.
Team Management
Group your team members into different shared workspaces for better project management.
Real-time Interactivity
Sync with team ideas by seeing live modifications made by your co-workers.
Up to 30 collaborators working on a project with you, heavy workloads become light-hearted with a click on invites.
AI Vector Storage
The text field has been enhanced with AI vector storage capability, enabling vector sorting and facilitating relevance searches using this field.
Custom Component
Custom component allows users to embed custom code into the project, greatly expanding the product's applicability.
Create various front-end apps from one PRO project's backend. Momen allows multiple front-end apps to use the same data set while offering customized interfaces to different users.
URL Customization
Customize your URL structure on each page to identify parts of your site address with an informative and unique slug.
Built-in SEO
Momen natively supported SEO with fine-grained controls. Craft the ideal SEO strategy to top rankings with dynamic TDK, Alt text, customizable paths, and every content piece built on Momen.
Simply drag the payment module onto your page, then set your project ready to receive payment from your users. Momen seamlessly integrates with Stripe for complex transactions.
Let's enjoy this Momen.
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