In this article, we will explore the basic operation logic of building a fully customized official website. From understanding the basic project operation logic to manipulate data within the data model, you'll discover how to achieve a website landing page effortlessly.
I. Basic Project Operation Logic
1. Website Logic
【Homepage】This is the initial landing page when users access the website
【Top Navigation Bar】Users can quickly find areas or modules of interest
【Display of Other Pages】Display of supplementary pages within the website.
2. Website Functionality
Applicable to corporate official websites purely for page display, achieving an independent corporate website by changing and replacing simple components
II. Learn How to Create your Website Landing Page
Step 1: Understanding Data Model
【Account】Data Table
This data table is used to store basic user information, such as the user's ID, username, update time, creation time, and data storage for the user's profile image.
【development_speed_list】Data Table
Utilized to adjust images that have already been uploaded, such as
【quality_list】Data Table
Used for uploading data in the back-end that we might need to modify at any given time.
【quality_image】 refers to the image being displayed
【title】refers to the heading
【content】provides a brief overview of the displayed content
【remark】is employed to orchestrate the order of the entire field set.
Step 2: Data Manipulation
Modify the data in the data table
Initially, navigate to 【Data Model】 - 【Database】. Within this interface, alterations can be made to data that has previously been bound in the project through remote data or list data, among other elements.
Locate the【development_speed_list】data table and double click【Insert Row】to insert the data table.
Double-click【Upload a local file】to upload the image you want to modify, and dictate the sequence of this image in the 【remark】section.
Subsequent to the modification of data within the【development_speed_list】data table, access the 【quality_list】data table to append the article with an image, headline, and abstract. In accordance with the previous instructions, select【Insert Row】to insert data into the system, and proceed with the inclusion of the article's fundamental information. The order of the article's content should align with personal preference.
Manipulating Data Outside of Data Tables
Return to the homepage of the editing view, double-click on the content you want to change, enter the focus mode, and then click on the desired text.
Select 'content' to initiate the text editing mode.
With this action, the intended modifications to the text section are completed.
The methodology for modifying text or images in other sections adheres to this same principle.
Step 3: Page Redirection
Select the text/image you wish to redirect, then click on【Interaction】to edit the【Action】.
Click on the【+】, locate【Router-Go to】, and select the page to which you want to redirect.
This completes the redirection process between pages.
III. Website Preview
By reaching this stage, you have completed 99% of the content. Now, let's proceed to preview our website.
Click on the "Preview" button located in the upper right to preview the website.
First, let's preview the entire page. Once the preview is complete, you can make further changes by returning to the editor.
About Momen
Momen is a no-code web app builder, allows users to build fully customizable web apps, marketplaces, Social Networks, AI Apps, Enterprise SaaS, and much more. You can iterate and refine your projects in real-time, ensuring a seamless creation process. Meanwhile, Momen offers powerful API integration capabilities, allowing you to connect your projects to any service you need. With Momen, you can bring your ideas to life and build remarkable digital solutions and get your web app products to market faster than ever before.